Light LCL (LLCL)
The Light LCL (LLCL) is intended to provide a way to produce small executable files with Free Pascal/Lazarus or Delphi 7, while being compatible with - a part of - the LCL/VCL. It may concern for instance: small installation or configuration programs, simple tools, test programs, ... Typically, the size is about 1/10th with Free Pascal/Lazarus and 1/5th with Delphi for small and simple programs.
It's not a specific graphical library, or another widgetset. It's an emulation of a small subset of the standard LCL/VCL, for only the most basic controls and classes, with their most common properties, methods and events. Of course, it implies that only the controls and properties present in the Light LCL can be used.
It is based upon the Very Light VCL (LVCL) of Synopse for Delphi 7: LVCL
Usage and configuration
There is nothing to install in order to use it, nor any configuration to modify: just indicate a valid path for the Light LCL files into your project options, and that's it !
It's available only for Windows (32 and 64 bits). It has been tested with FPC 2.6.x/3.x + Lazarus 1.4.x/1.6 and Delphi 7.
See "README.txt" for more pieces of information.
The Light LCL is released under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. See "LICENSE.txt".
LLCL ChangeLog
Main changes and additions:
- TRadioGroup control added (not enabled by default),
- TRegistry class added (Registry.pas),
- TClipboard: SetAsText bug fix,
- TStringGrid: ColCount and RowCount bug fix,
- bug fixes when application was starting and closing,
- bug fixes and non standard ItemStrings property removed for internal TCustomBox class,
- TForm: ShowModal bug fix (with several modal forms),
- DeleteFile and RenameFile added (SysUtils), and also DeleteFileUTF8 and RenameFileUTF8 (FileUtil/LazFileUtils),
- internal TMemoLines et TBoxStrings classes (for TMemo and TComboBox/TListBox controls) modified for a better LCL/VCL compatibility (data accessing).
Main changes and additions:
- TStringGrid control added (Grids.pas),
- TIniFile class added (IniFiles.pas),
- TClipboard class added for text data (ClipBrd.pas),
- PNG images support (not enabled by default),
- transparent bitmaps support (not enabled by default),
- forms double buffering support (not enabled by default),
- TSelectDirectoryDialog control added (Dialog.pas) for FPC/Lazarus (not enabled by default) and SelectDirectory function (Dialog.pas or FileCtrl.pas),
- ANSI LLCL option (i.e. no UTF8 at all) added for FPC/Lazarus (see in,
- design time only properties for controls are now accessible for dynamic creation purposes. Run time modifications are still not supported for them, but they can now be set at run time before the corresponding control is dynamically created,
- a few bug fixes and some minor additions/modifications.
Note: controls and functionalities not enabled by default can be activated by defining the corresponding option(s) in the option files
- Initial public release.
A small demonstration project (both for Free Pascal/Lazarus and Delphi 7) is included.
More sample projects are also available here: Sample projects for the LLCL